
Knowledge development

Action Research

Action research reports, notes and productions

Pilot themes 2023

1) Food Systems and Nutrition

  • Diversification of the diet of agricultural and pastoral and agropastoral households through the consumption of spontaneous plants and harvested products-Niger

2) Natural resource and land management

  • Safeguarding natural resources to increase agrosilvopastoral production – Niger
  • Concerted Management of Natural Resources for the Development of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) in Mali

3) Inclusive and decentralized finance

  • Support the establishment and operationalization of committees to monitor actions, investments and their effects within local authorities Niger
  • Supporting the development of an adequate electronic payment service offer within local authorities Niger
  • Support Local Authorities in the use of electronic payment and transaction systems (Mali)

5) Efficient service delivery systems

  • Family Farm Management Advisory System (Mali)
  • Establishment of a sustainable supply system for agricultural inputs and equipment (SADIEA) to increase productivity in Burkina Faso

Partner knowledge platforms


WUR knowledge website


KIT knowledge website

Good practices

Capitalization of good practices sheets

Other studies/Publications