
Systemic challenges


Systemic challenges

Local institutions and organisations are at the heart of the programme’s strategy to ensure lasting impact. To create sustainable change and reach the most people, Pro-ARIDES will focus on whole of system transformation approach. This will ensure that the programme addresses key issues to ensure more inclusive, ecologically sustainable and resilient local development in the Sudano Sahelian zone of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger.

Pro-ARIDES will work to shift to a system that is more inclusive, sustainable, and that incorporates systems change through:

1. Empowerment, households, women, youth, and peasant organisations
2. Strengthening local enterprises and farmers’ organisations
3. High performance of the Service Delivery System
4. Increased demand for local products
5. Integrated and inclusive multi-stakeholder governance of the land
6. Gender equality and social inclusion
7. Good governance and security provided by government institutions
8. Improved access to finance and long-term investments

The programme will run in two phases.

Phase 1 (5 years)

In the first five years of the programme, activities will focus on empowering institutions; strengthening capacity and establishing trust; and developing, testing and improving working methods and strategies.

Phase 2 (5 years)

In the next five years, the focus of activities will move towards expanding and scaling up approaches and interventions that have been found to be successful in Phase I and embedding these approaches, practices and technologies to ensure sustainability and lasting change. In addition, Pro-ARIDES will stimulate mutual learning, strengthening practices and knowledge management.

Our pathways and our intervention areas

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