Systemic challenges
Local institutions and organizations are at the heart of the program’s strategy to ensure sustainable impact. Pro-ARIDES will focus on systemic change and development as essential means to create sustainable and growing impacts that reach people, beyond the direct beneficiaries of a program. This will ensure that the program addresses key issues that will induce profound transformations for more inclusive, ecologically sustainable and resilient local development in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger.
Pro-ARIDES’ work will focus on moving towards a system that is more inclusive, sustainable, and integrates systemic change by:
1. Empowerment of households, women, young people and farmers’ organizations
2. Strengthening local businesses and farmers’ organizations
3. High performance of the service delivery system
4. Increased demand for local products
5. Integrated and inclusive multi-stakeholder land governance
6. Gender equality and social inclusion
7. Good governance and security provided by government institutions
8. Improved access to financing and long-term investment
The program will be carried out in two phases.