In 2022, Pro-ARIDES Niger in synergy with the ABC/SNV program are committed to promoting the bio-digester in the three regions where Pro-ARIDES operates in Niger. In all, 23 farmers’ organizations and 2 SMEs have been selected to support the biodigester project. These include the Samou Magani Richi OP in the village of Angoual maloumay, in the Doumega rural commune of the Dosso region. This PO, whose creation was supported by Pro-ARIDES in 2022 as part of the installation of agropastoral school fields, is made up of 22 volunteers, including 17 women. After construction and commissioning of the bio-digester, the members of this OP were trained by ABC in partnership with the Ministry of Energy in :
- the production and application of compost from bio-digesters,
- the production of pesticides and poultry, livestock and fish feed from bio-digester effluent.
These various training courses, in particular the one on the production and use of compost based on bio-digester effluent, led growers to take the initiative of choosing as CEAP’s theme for this 2023-2024 cold dry season: the comparative effect of using the 3 fertilizers on potato yield, conservation and organoleptic qualities.