Contribute to the resilience, food security and income of farming and agro-pastoral households in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger.
This is the aim of the agri-food program for integrated resilience and economic development in the Sahel (Pro-ARIDES), which was officially launched this Tuesday, July 6, 2021 in Ouagadougou. The program is an initiative of the Dutch development organization (SNV) in partnership with local and international organizations.
Given the challenges facing the Sahelian zones of Burkina, Mali and Niger (effects of climate change, low rainfall, fragile security and political context, low-productivity pastoral sector), the Dutch development organization SNV, in collaboration with consortium partners (CARE Netherlands, Wageningen University & Research and Royal Tropical Institute) and local organizations, has set up the PRO-ARIDES Agrifood Program for Integrated Resilience and Economic Development in the Sahel.
This ten-year program has been financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the tune of 100 million euros, or over 65.5 billion FCFA. It aims to reach at least 958,333 people working in the agro-sylvo-pastoral and fisheries sectors in Burkina Faso by 2030.
For SNV-BF Country Director Jeanette Dereg, representing the consortium members, “the launch of this program marks an important step … in the fight to increase resilience and food security in the Sahel region, which will contribute in the long term to the region’s stability”.
She adds that the role of the Ministry and its umbrella associations is vital, and that they will be supported by local organizations such as the Chambre nationale d’agriculture (CNA), the Fédération des professionnels agricoles du Burkina (FEPAB), the Observatoire national du foncier du Burkina Faso (ONFBF), the NGO Tin-Tua and the Association formation développement ruralité (AFDR).

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the main donor, “intends to use the funding for this program to help achieve sustainable development objectives in terms of food security and climate change in the three countries where it is being implemented”.
For his part, the Minister of Animal and Fisheries Resources, Modeste Yerbanga, representing Prime Minister Christophe Dabiré, who presided over the ceremony, emphasized that the implementation of PRO-ARIDES will help nearly 168,000 households in Burkina over more than ten years, enabling them to be resilient, have food security and improve their incomes, given the climatic and security challenges. “The project will make a resilient contribution to curbing the ills undermining the Sahelian zones of Burkina, Mali and Niger,” added Minister Modeste Yerbanga.

The project will be carried out over a ten-year period, divided into two phases, mainly in 24 communes in four regions: the North, the Boucle du Mouhoun, the Centre-West and the East. Phase 1 is scheduled for completion in 2025.
The Dutch development organization (SNV), promoter of this project, has been present in Burkina Faso since 1970. It works in three main sectors: agriculture, renewable energies and water, hygiene and sanitation. It promotes the emergence of local experiences, the strengthening of governance systems and the access of disadvantaged populations to market opportunities and basic services.
It has already led a number of development projects in Burkina Faso, including the Water, Key to Sustainable Development project; the Pastoral and Cross-Border Mobility and Social Stability in the Sahel program; the support program for the promotion of agricultural entrepreneurship; the mango and cashew nut processing program; the MODHEM livestock mobility project, and many others.
ource: Paré Nado Ariane (intern)