
A word from the Pro-ARIDES Program Director


Dear colleagues, partners, stakeholders and readers

As we enter 2025, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and thanks to each and every one of you for your continued support, hard work and dedication throughout 2024.

The year 2024 was rich in activities and results. Program execution covered the areas of program activity implementation, program governance, program donor relationship management, analysis and reporting, and personnel management.

By the end of September 2024 the results achieved are very promising in terms of reach both in terms of the number of household targets reached (88%), as well as targets farmers’ organizations (88%), women’s and youth organizations (90%), financial institutions and savings and credit associations (86%) and SMEs (99%). However, efforts still need to be made with regard to resource management and conflict management bodies (67%).

The overall implementation trend is favorable for the successful conclusion of phase I (2021-2025).

In terms of prospects, the strategic orientations will focus on better inclusion of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), reducing climate vulnerability, strengthening the legitimacy of land tenure security for the program’s achievements, reinforcing local support for effective implementation, and continuing to monitor Systemic Change.

In each country, the program teams and consortium members continue to promote links with other programs that are important for achieving the Pro-ARIDES objective.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Dutch and Danish Ministries of Foreign Affairs for funding the program. I once again congratulate the consortium members and local implementing partners on the results achieved in 2024, and urge them to maintain the level of commitment to the benefit of vulnerable communities in the Sahel.

Happy New Year 2025, full of peace for our region, health and joy for all.

Jean de Matha OUEDRAOGO
Pro-ARIDES Program Director
Burkina Faso-Mali -Niger